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Showing posts from March, 2021

Understanding The Source Of Truth And Why People Reject It

My fellow Patriots, Humanity, since the beginning of time, has been trying to answer the critical question: what is truth? Is truth how a person perceives a situation or an objective view of the situation? Jesus tells Christians that He is truth and that truth is objective. Of course, not everyone accepts that Jesus is God or even that God exists so they do not accept the Biblical definition of truth. For the majority of the history of humanity, people agreed that truth is objective and unbiased; and people were always searching for truth and working to remove bias from their research. In recent history, starting with people such as Charles Darwin and especially with Karl Marx, there have been movements, both in scientific and political circles, that undermine what people have known to be true for the entirety of history. It was commonly believed that there is a god who created and controls everything, but Darwin brought great doubt with his theories. Karl Marx brought communism to the...

The Church Is Destroying America, But Not Like You Think (Op-Ed)

My fellow Patriots, Our country is collapsing and there is one single reason for this. Hearing the gospel is only important for those who are not Christians yet. Once a person has become a Christian they need to know how to implement faith into their everyday lives and in the culture, and in the political system. The Church in America as a whole, has forgotten this. They constantly preach the Gospel and the nature of God to their congregations, but never how to live as Christians, how to vote as Christians, or how to be bold as Christians. This is the cause of the sole reason that America is failing as a country and that corruption is rampant in our government. I say that this is the cause of the reason, because God is the reason that America is failing. God has pulled his hand of providence from America because we as a people have turned away from Him. The reason we the people and society have turned away from God is because the church has not been active in society as a positive inf...

We Are In Not-So-Unprecedented Times (Op-Ed)

My fellow Patriots, We are in dangerous times, but they have happened before and the results were deadly! People have been attacked by the left and by Jewish people for comparing the attacks on Conservatives by Big Tech and the Mainstream Media and comparing those attacks to what happened to the Jewish people in Nazi Germany. The comparison is accurate so far with what has happened and is happening in America. The problem is that the comparison is accurate; over six million Jewish people were murdered by Hitler and his Nazi party. That is not something that Christian Patriots want to happen again; we do not want the death of millions of innocent people. That is why we need to stand up and expose the left and the Deep State for what it is: an attempt to wipe out Christians from society and eliminate the most powerful nation that was founding on Biblical principles. Then all they need to do is destroy Israel and no more Judeo-Christian nations will be left. No one will be able to stop th...

"These Are The Times That Try Men's Souls" And They Are Back (Op-Ed)

My fellow Patriots, American philosopher Thomas Paine wrote in 1776:  "These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph." Patriots, these times have come again. Patriots are being silenced on social media, they are being fined and arrested for resisting the tyranny of the governments of some of the states, and if they are able to make it into Congress, such as Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, they are removed from committees because they call out the corruption and the true agenda of the Deep State establishment. We have politicians, who claim to be on our side, turn their backs on their promises and bow to the Deep State. Such people are Dan Crenshaw, M...