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"These Are The Times That Try Men's Souls" And They Are Back (Op-Ed)

My fellow Patriots,

American philosopher Thomas Paine wrote in 1776: "These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."

Patriots, these times have come again. Patriots are being silenced on social media, they are being fined and arrested for resisting the tyranny of the governments of some of the states, and if they are able to make it into Congress, such as Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, they are removed from committees because they call out the corruption and the true agenda of the Deep State establishment. We have politicians, who claim to be on our side, turn their backs on their promises and bow to the Deep State. Such people are Dan Crenshaw, Mitch McConnell, and Ted Cruz; to name a few. Most politicians, even those who truly are on our side, fail to talk about the reason corruption in the government exists and why the culture is being degregrated more and more every day. They either fail to understand what is the foundation of our culture OR they just don't publicly mention it. Regardless, until that happens, our culture will continue in it's path of immorality.

Take the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) event that happened during the last week of February, 2021. No politician or speaker talked about the US Constitution or the Judeo-Christian values that our Founding Fathers believed in and used as the foundation for the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, until President Donald Trump spoke on Sunday, February 28th. Why is that? There is no definitive answer, but a reasonable and most likely accurate guess is that they do not know. These people who swear an oath to protect and follow the US Constitution do not even know or truly understand the foundation of the Constitution or of our country! Think of this, a mechanic cannot really fix a part of a car unless they know how the whole car works and why it works the way it does, but a person can make laws and run a country with almost 350 million citizens and yet not know the foundation of that country and why it was set up the way it was! No wonder we are having problems like the ones we are facing today.

It's not just our political leaders who are lost, therefore so are the American people; Christian Patriots are struggling to stand strong, as many churches are bowing to the demands of the government against the commandments of Jesus Christ. The foundation of our country is the Bible, plain and simple. That may offend many people, including those who call themselves "conservatives" or "patriots", but it is true. The most cited source for the US Constitution is the Bible at 34%. That is no insignificant number. That means that, as I wrote in my op-ed: How to Restore America (Op-Ed), to truly be able to call yourself an America Patriot, you need to minimally accept the Bible as the source of all true morals, but ideally give your life over to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. All of our Founding Fathers met the minimum requirement as I just stated and most of them were "born- again" Christians, including Benjamin Franklin, who is considered to be the least religious Founding Fathers according to most historians. 

Life in America is going to get more difficult for everyone, but especially Christian Patriots, since they are the real target of the Deep State. Even though challenges will come more frequently, we have faith in Jesus Christ that in the end, we will win because Judgement Day will come and those who put their faith in Jesus Christ will not be damned to hell. Even though Christian Patriots have this confidence, it is does not mean that they should be like the Amish and seclude themselves from the rest of society. It means that we need to be bold, we need to be courageous. The Christian Patriot needs to remember that God will provide for them when they call for help, if they are walking with Him in their everyday lives. They need to remember that boldness in Christ and in truth, may cost them their lives, but that they will be rewarded in heaven and called by Jesus a "good and faithful servant". 

Now the duty of being faithful under persecution does not just apply to the person being persecuted, but it is also the duty of the Christian Patriot who is not, at the time, being persecuted to help their brother or sister in Christ who is being persecuted. Give them food, give them shelter, and support their business. There is strength in numbers, so band together with other Christian Patriots in your community and create a wall of godly force against the tyranny of the devil that is at work in the Deep State. It is only through Jesus Christ that tyranny will be conquered; our Founding Fathers experienced this, they knew it, and they implemented that knowledge into the founding of our country. 

Again, as Thomas Paine wrote: "These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman." Do not be the summer soldier or the sunshine patriot, be the Christian Patriot that refuses to bow to tyranny even under punishment of death; your reward in not on this earth, but in heaven. It is only through this mentality that America has any hope of being restored to its constitutional glory.


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