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Constitutional Proof That ALL Mandated Vaccines Are Illegal

My fellow Patriots,

Many people are worried that they will be mandated by the government to get a Covid-19 "vaccine" (which is scientifically not a vaccine, but an experimental gene therapy injection) once they become FDA approved; but fear not, I have the Constitutional proof that ALL vaccine mandates are illegal. 

To understand what is Constitutional, one simply has to look at what the US Constitution says about the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of our government; but what about other organizations like the CDC, FBI, FDA, and others that are not directly a part of each of the three branches, how is the constitutionality of those entities determined? One should note that these government entities have no Constitutional authority to exist because they were all created either by the Executive or Legislative branches, which have no authority to create any government entities. The only government entity that is allowed to be created by any branch is courts that are inferior to the Supreme Court, and the Legislative branch only has the authority to create them, under Article 3 section 1 of the US Constitution. Simply, the FBI, CIA, NSA, CDC, FDA, DHS, ATF, etc have NO AUTHORITY under the US Constitution to exist, therefore they have NO authority over anything, period! They are null and void, as all unconstitutional matters are. In fact, these organizations DO NOT EXIST as established by the fact that they are unconstitutional. For those who are still unconvinced, according to the Supreme Court case Norton v. Shelby County of 1886 "An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights, it imposes no duties, it affords no protection; it created no office; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed," also known as null-and-void

Now that I have shown that the FDA, CDC, and all other government created entities, besides inferior federal courts, are non-existent, legally; I will show that Congress does NOT have the authority to pass laws in regards to mandating ANY medical procedure or treatment. While Article 1 Section 1 of the US Constitution says "All legislative power herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United State", that does not mean that Congress has the power to enact any law they want to, they are still limited by the eighteen enumerated powers under Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution. The enumerated powers of Congress means that they ONLY have the power to pass laws in regards to the eighteen powers listed. Any law that is passed by Congress that goes outside of the eighteen enumerated powers, is unconstitutional, therefore null-and-void. When reading through Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution, nowhere will anyone find that Congress has any authority to deal with anything in regards to the health or healthcare of anyone; that power simply does not exist in the Constitution, therefore that power does exist anywhere. 

Looking at the executive branch of government as laid out in Article 2 of the US Constitution, the same thing arises: the executive branch does NOT have any authority over the health or healthcare of anyone. Simply put, the US federal government does NOT have any authority to force anyone to under go ANY medical procedure or treatment. 

The next big question is: do the state governments have the authority over anything health or healthcare related? The answer is a bold and defiant: NO! I could go through all 50 state constitutions, but this article would be too long to read. I would recommend that everyone reads the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the seventeen other amendments to the Constitution, as well as their states' constitutions. When reading your state constitution, you will find that I am correct in my statement that your state does not have any authority over anything health or healthcare related. 

Now to answer the same question of "does any government have the authority to force anyone to undergo any medical procedure or medical treatment", but from a slightly different, but still constitutional angle. The opening line of the US Constitution states "We the People of the United States", this means that We the People created the US Constitution meaning that we have more power than the entity created. This is because nothing created can be greater than its creator: man cannot be greater than God, a car can not be greater than the engineer, etc. We the People do not have the authority to force anyone to undergo any medical procedure or medical treatment, except when it's a parent to child relationship or when someone is the Health Proxy of another person. A Health Proxy is generally used only used when a person is mentally incapable of making their own decisions, so a court gives, usually a close family member or, if there is no close family, the person's attorney, the role of Health Proxy who is responsible for all medical decisions and can be brought into the doctor-patient confidentiality agreement of the subject who is mentally incapacitated. Other than those two exception, it is impossible for anyone to make or force any medical decision, procedure, or treatment upon anyone else. So if We the People do not have that authority, how can the government, which was created by We the People and therefore has less power than us, have the authority over anyone's health decisions, procedures, or treatments? The answer is, the government cannot make or force any health decisions, procedures, or treatments upon anyone. Any attempt to do so by the government, is unconstitutional, and the person(s) attempting to is (are) committing treason against We the People for breach of the US Constitution. 

The fact that no person, except for a Health Proxy or parent (in a parent to child relationship) has the authority to make any health decisions, procedures, or treatments for anyone else means that NO business, school, medical office, sports arena, etc can legally require you to be vaccinated or wear a face mask either.

In conclusion, any attempt by the government or ANYONE ELSE to force anyone to take any vaccine or undergo any medical procedure or treatment is illegal and We the People have no obligation to follow any orders concerning this matter, whether federal or state.


  1. 💥 Boom 💥 Thanks for sharing this

  2. The force of your argument is somewhat diminished by typos and grammar errors. I hope you will rectify these errors throughout.

    1. WOW! Is that all you got out of this? Over look the errors and absorb the content!

  3. In this article it says: Simply, the FBI, CIA, NSA, CDC, FDA, DHS, ATF, etc have NO AUTHORITY under the US Constitution to exist, therefore they have NO authority over anything, period! They are null and void, as all unconstitutional matters are. In fact, these organizations DO NOT EXIST as established by the fact that they are unconstitutional.
    You sent Today at 10:15 AM
    In my opinion it is simply not true. That said I don't trust anything they put out there.

    1. Everything boils down to a matter of opinion doesn't it? Who's opinion will Rule the Day? You better hope that America come out the winner.


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