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Why Clay Clark Is Right And Wrong About The End Times (Op-Ed)

My fellow Patriot's,

When talking about Biblical prophecy, especially when it comes to the End Times, it is very important to understand all the details of the prophecies to ensure that misinformation is not accidentally spread because people will act differently based on the information provided. 

Many of you may have heard of Clay Clark, but for those who have not: he is a small-business administration coach, the host of the Thrive Time Podcast, as well as one of the organizers of the Health And Freedom Conferences that feature people such as Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, General Michael Flynn, as well as many other Patriots. He is a Christian who is well aware of the Globalist agenda and has been on many different podcasts and shows and  hetalks about signs from biblical prophecies that are related to the End Times and the Tribulation period that is talked about in the book of Revelation from the Bible. Mr. Clark also relates the prophecies to current events and talks about facts we know about certain people such as Bill Gates who has a patent for a cryptocurrency microchip that is numbered WO2020060606. All of his facts about people and current events are one hundred percent correct, as least from what I've heard him say on shows such as The Stew Peters Show and Steve Bannon's War Room. My problem is not with his analysis of current events or some of the prophetic events, but with other prophetic events and claims about our current situations and their relation to certain parts of the book of Revelation. 

For some background about the book of Revelation; it was written by the Apostle John who also wrote the Gospel of John as well as the books of 1st John, 2nd John, and 3rd John. According to Roman writings and the Bible, the Apostle John was exiled to the Island of Patmos in A.D. 94; it is on this island that John was given the revelations from Jesus about the End Times, which is known as the book of Revelation. It is important to understand that prophecies about the End Times are not just found in Revelation, but also the Biblical books Daniel, from the Old Testament and the Gospel of Matthew from the New Testament; to name a few. So analyzing and studying the End Times prophecy requires more than just the book of Revelation. Many Christians, especially new believers, fall into the trap of just studying Revelation for information about the End Times, but this would only be a partial view of the prophecies.

The Bible talks about false prophets that will arise, for example Jesus said in the Gospel of Matthew 24:11 "Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many." (NASB 1995); but I do not think that Clay Clark is a false prophet, I believe he is just a new Christian that fell into the trap of only studying Revelation, as many do. This article is not to attack Mr. Clark, but to simply point out where I believe he is wrong and misinformed, because he has a powerful voice who could influence millions of people towards truth and towards Jesus Christ. 

On The Stew Peters Show from July 21st Clay Clark asserts that "we are living through the implementation of Matthew 24 and the book of Revelation" at the 13:55 timestamp. Matthew 24 talks about the times leading up to the End Times, in which Clay Clark is correct, where he is incorrect is about living through Revelation. The reason we are not living through Revelation right now is because we are not in the End Times according to events that the Bible says must take place before the End Times.

One of the things that the Bible says has to happen before the End Times is the Rapture of the Church. Now, if you've grown up in the Church you know that the Rapture is a widely debated topic: is it real, and if it is, when will it occur; at the beginning of the End Times or the middle or the end? According to many verses in the Bible, the Rapture will happen and it will happen at the beginning. Now the Rapture is never mentioned by name, but the Bible still is clear that it will happen. 1 Thessalonians 1:10 says "and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, that is Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come." (NASB 1995). 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, 7 says "...the man of lawlessness [Satan] is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God... for the mystery of lawlessness [Satan] is already at work ; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way" (NASB 1995). In the previous verse, "he who now restrains" is the Holy Spirit and according to 2 Thessalonians 2:7, the Holy Spirit is restraining Satan and will do so on Earth until God takes the Holy Spirit away. Another book in the Bible, Hebrews 13:5 says that "...'[God] will never desert you, nor will [God] ever forsake you'". Since the Holy Spirit is a part of the Trinity and therefore is God, the only way for the Holy Spirit (the restrainer), which is inside every Christian, to be "taken out of the way" is for Christians to not be on the Earth anymore. This is why the Rapture has to exist before the End Times begin. Another reason the Rapture has to happen before the End Times instead of in the middle or the end is that the End Times or Tribulation Period will be seven years according to the Bible; so if the Rapture is at the middle, everyone will know exactly the day that the Rapture will occur and the same applies if the Rapture is at the end. According to Matthew 24:36 "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone" (NASB 1995); this verse is referring to the End Times and the Rapture of the Church. So if no one will know when the End Times nor the Rapture will happen, then the Rapture has to happen at the beginning or just before the End Times. 

While the previous paragraph is very long, it is one major reason that we are not living through the End Times and the book of Revelation right now. The Rapture of Christians needs to happen first, among other geopolitical events, of which I have not studied enough to be comfortable writing an opinion about. It is also because we are not living in the End Times that the "vaccines" are not the Mark of the Beast that is talked about in Revelation 13; as well as the so-called "vaccine passports". Could they be social conditioning and preparation by Satan for the End Times and the Mark of the Beast in the future? Yes, that is possible, but until the Rapture of Christians and the beginning of the End Times, they are not the Mark of the Beast. 

I understand that this article may have been a little confusing, especially for the non-believer, but if you are interested in other resources to navigate the times we are experiencing in relation to the End Times, I would recommend you watch videos from Pastor Jack Hibbs from Chino Hills Calvary Chapel on his YouTube channel Real Life With Jack Hibbs, Amir Tsarfati from Behold Israel, as well as some videos that they have done together. One important video is called Is The Vaccine The Mark Of The Beast?, another is a sermon that Amir Tsarfati gave called Has The Tribulation Begun?, and another is a sermon they did together at Pastor Jack's church entitled Happening Now With Amir Tsarfati. They are careful to point to scripture for their claims and to not fall into sensationalism. So for more detailed resources, check out those two men and the content they have put out.

As I said near the beginning of this article, I respect Clay Clark greatly, and if he would like to come on my podcast, Patriot's Nation (links to the right of this article), I'd be happy to have him on to discuss the End Times, biblical prophecy, and the current state of the world. 


  1. Well written. I too appreciate what Clay is trying to do, and I admire his passion. He loves the Lord, but I don't agree with some of his interpretations. These are not salvation issues, but.... things that should be corrected.

    Clay often points to Matthew 24 as pertaining to current day End Times. But this chapter was written by a Jewish disciple who was teaching the Jewish people about Israel's prophetic future, much of which happened in 70AD. Paul (the disciple the Lord sent for the Gentiles) gives a teaching in Thessalonians about our current day End Times. The verses are similar, yet different in description. Also, "the mark" will not be something the church will be around for; it takes place after the Rapture. And, people who take the mark will not be tricked into it; they will know full well where they are pledging their allegiance. But putting fear into people who have taken the V by accusing them of "taking a precursor to THE mark" only mongers fear.

    Clay is doing all he can for our country, and I do respect him for it. But I wish he would slow down a bit and and not jump to every conclusion that is "alleged". It causes undo fear and panic, and makes believers into conspiracy theorists on some issues. We are not to know EVERYTHING, but to "walk by faith not by sight".

    Three things we can count on for sure; God is in control, He loves Israel and will be true to His covenant with her, and He loves His Ekklesia. We are in good hands! Maranatha!

    1. Thank you for your insight, I agree with you a most of what you said. The one thing I disagree with you on is Matthew 24; Matthew 24 (and 25) does talk about the times and seasons before the End Times; how things will get much worse throughout the world. I know many people point to the fact that Jesus said that "this generation will not pass away until these things come to pass," but what I wonder is about the word "generation". Pastors that I have listened to say that this word in Aramaic doesn't mean a literally "generation" but instead is closer to the word "age", and is saying that the 'Church Age' will not pass until the things mentioned have come to pass. Other than that, I agree with you, though much of what Clay Clark 'alleged' when it comes to Bill Gates spiritual adviser and his talk of depopulation, as well as his patent isn't actually a "conspiracy theory", but an unfortunate reality. Anyways, glad you liked the article and took the time to comment. God Bless you as we await the Rapture of the Church and the coming righteous judgment of our Lord Jesus Christ.


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