My fellow Patriots,
The Black American isn't free; but not because of America, her Constitution, or the White man.
The Black American is not free because of themselves. I know that it is ironic that a White man is talking about how Black Americans are keeping themselves in chains, but similar ideas have been said by Larry Elder, Candace Owens, and other Black conservatives. The Black American has been tricked by their original oppressors, the Democrats, into keeping themselves in the chains of welfare, weakened family units, and the bigotry of low expectations.
Most Black Americans voted for and supported Republicans from the time a Republican, Abraham Lincoln, freed them until The New Deal and the welfare state was enacted by a Democrat, Franklin D. Roosevelt, between 1933 and 1939. The New Deal promised to increase the wealth of poor Americans, which Black Americans made up a decent portion of. Welfare was established, as a government program, to help the poor by providing them the funds they needed to provide for their families. What was not told was the increase in the tax rate or how the different incentives that would be used to apply for welfare would encourage single motherhood and absent fathers from the homes. Fatherlessness is the number one determinate of whether a person will live in poverty or commit crimes, especially in the Black community in America. Black Americans who were poor before The New Deal, and accepted these welfare "handouts" from the government became trapped in the addiction of laziness thus trapping them in the chains of the government, so while on the surface they are free, in reality they are slaves to the State through dependency and the ever increasing tax rates as well as other policies that have been enacted to increase the dependency of Black Americans on the government which is continuing to destroy the Black community in America.
While the exact motives of those who enacted The New Deal and welfare is unknown, the fact of the matter is that these government programs are mostly supported and pushed for by Democrats, in their search for more power and control which stems back to slave owners, who wanted to keep their slaves, in the United States. I say "slave owners who wanted to keep their slaves" because some slaver owners, like George Washington, came into the possession of slaves through marriage and lived in states, like Virginia, that outlawed the freeing of slaves except by the owner's will after he died. After the Republican party was formed, there is not a single record of a Republican who owed slaves while they were a Republican. All slave owners were either not associated with any party or were associated with the Democratic party. Going back to the original point, the Democrats have always been the party of slavery and more government control, while the Republicans have always been the party of anti-slavery and the party of less government control, at least until recently with people such as George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, and other such scumbags in the Republican party.
The Black American isn't free because they have been lied to by the Democratic party since The New Deal and by leaders in the Black Community like Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, and Jesse Jackson who have sold out their fellow Black Americans for their own increased power and monetary gains. The Black American also has been chained by their fellow Black citizens and the entire Black community who have been conditioned over the years to shun and discriminate against any Black American who speaks out against the Democratic party and the welfare state. These bold Black Americans who dare speak out against the Democratic party are called "Uncle Toms" and "House Negros" and some times they even have their lives threatened by other Black Americans who have been brainwashed into seeing them as the enemy. These internal discriminations and attacks are what have led the Black American into remaining a slave to the system. This has worked in the favor of the Democratic party who continues to push programs onto the Black community which only further enslave them.
If the Black American wants to be free, they need to listen to people such as Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens, Larry Elder and other Black conservatives. They need to not be afraid to be shunned by their community and not be afraid to speak truth no matter what. The herd mentality will only further enslave them; individuality and joining communities of conservatives that want what's best for everyone will be what frees the Black American from the chains of the Democratic party and the state.
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