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'The Domino Effect' And All That It Affects (Op-Ed)

My fellow Patriots,

There is a phenomenon in the world today that is very powerful both for evil and for good. 

This phenomenon has been coined by me as The Domino Effect. The Domino Effect works because, as with row of dominoes, when one falls so do all the rest. This effect can help the Patriot movement to fix the 2020 election; Arizona was the first state to have a full forensic audit of the 2020 election, and now Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin and other states are looking to have a full forensic audit performed in their state to check the validity of the 2020 election. The Domino Effect can also be good for maintaining freedom; one person refuses to wear a mask or one church refuses to close their doors and then others join them in staying free and not bowing to the demands of tyrants. 

The Domino Effect can also bring catastrophe to global freedom. New York City was the first city to implement a vaccine passport requirement to get into restaurants, stadiums, and other entertainment facilities and there have already been multiple cities across America, such as New Orleans and San Francisco, that have implemented the same tyrannical and illegal orders. Outside of America, Australia is the first nation to be a modern military police state because of Covid-19 and the United Kingdom and New Zealand are likely to be the next nations to fall like Australia. Washington State University is the first university to reject all exemptions for the Covid-19 "vaccine" and many more are likely to fall. 

Seeing all of these cities, nations, and institutions become the first domino in a long row is frightening and knowing that this tyranny is moving global is depressing, but in America there are two things that can stop the falling dominoes. Just like a real row of dominoes, there is one thing that stops the whole row from falling: that is a hand getting in between two dominoes. One hand is We the People standing up first using our voices, and possibly (but hopefully not) having to use force to stop this tyranny. This method would only really have enough people to have a national effect after it is too late to stop the falling dominoes of tyranny. The second method is also not likely to happen; but it is the Supreme Court stepping in and ruling these tyrannical "laws" as unconstitutional. The reason I say that it is not likely to happen is knowing that Chief Justice John Roberts is not really a conservative and neither is Justice Brett Kavanaugh nor Justice Amy Coney Barrett knowing that she recently ruled that the University of Indiana's Covid-19 "vaccine" requirement is constitutional.

There is one thing that can have influence over waking people up to the reality of the tyranny and the decisions of the Supreme Court and that is God. We, as Patriots, need to pray for mercy upon our nation and ask God to awaken America and give wisdom to the justices on the Supreme Court. I honestly, do not see another way to prevent the dominoes from all falling into global tyranny. 


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