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How To Ground Yourself In Truth When Entering The Rabbit Hole (Op-Ed)

My fellow Patriots,

Many people enter the rabbit hole of "conspiracy theories", but they forget a lifeline to ensure they do not get lost in the theories and remain grounded in truth.

The "rabbit hole" exists to allow people to explore different theories about the world around them in search of the truth. The problem is that most people do not have a foundation of truth that surpasses the physical world; therefore people confuse truth with lies and they become trapped in the "rabbit hole". These are the "conspiracy theorists" of "conspiracy theorists", and are not credible among most people and have no chance of "redpilling" those who are unaware. These uncredible people are those that spread the theories such as Flat Earth, UFOs, and that the Jews secretly control the world.

Obviously as a Christian, I am going to base everything I see and think upon what the Bible says; not necessarily what "Church doctrine" says, but what the Bible itself says. For those who do not know, the Bible is a self-proving document; in that there are no internal OR external contradictions. In fact, the Bible is considered the most reliable and accurate historical and archaeological collection of documents that has ever been discovered. In a previous article, Understanding The Source Of Truth And Why People Reject It, I show how non-biblical, non-Christian sources prove the existence, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as it is described in the Bible. So clearly the Bible can be used as a source of truth. 

Without a lifeline or an anchor that helps you shape how you view the world, a worldview; diving into the "rabbit hole" can be more dangerous to humanity and cause more division than if these people just stayed "above ground" and believed every lie they've been told. Some examples of this is the hatred for the Jews from those on the right, based on the belief that the Jews secretly control the world. This belief is wrong for so many reasons, such as it defies logic: how can the single most persecuted group of people in the history of the world, who only recently had their own nation after thousands of years and is constantly attacked physically, politically, and economically be in charge of everything? If the Jews were secretly in control of everything, wouldn't they stop other nations from attacking them? Now, I understand where this actual conspiracy theory comes from. It comes from a combination of propaganda that Adolf Hitler used to brainwash his citizens into hating the Jews, as well as from observing the actions of the Rothschild family, as well as George Soros, both of whom are ethnically Jewish. What these conspiracy theorists ignore is that the Rothschild family does not consider themselves to be Jewish, but will use their ethnicity to blame all of Israel and the Jews as a shielding tactic to cover for their own family ambitions. They also ignore the fact that George Soros funds organizations who advocate for the destruction of Israel and Jews worldwide; if the Jews secretly controlled the world, why would George Soros, who is Jewish, want to kill them all? Another important factor is that nowhere in the Bible, when it pertains to the end of the world and the One World Government under the AntiChrist, are the Jews mentioned as being evil people who control the world. In fact, there is nothing but persecution from the global government against Israel and those who will become Christians during the Tribulation period. My point is: the Jews are not evil, but there are some people who happen to be ethnically Jewish who are evil. Just because Bill Gates is ethnically English and Irish does not mean that there is a British or Irish plot to enslave the world. 

Without the Bible as the ultimate source of truth to ground a person and act as a lifeline when they "descend into the rabbit hole", a person will most likely become lost and will not be able to distinguish facts and logic from lies and insanity. So ground yourself, tie a rope of truth around yourself, and remember to pop up from time to time when exploring the rabbit hole. To win the battle of humanity, the Truth must be the weapon of choice for Patriots; it's called the "rabbit hole" not the "well lit tunnel" for a reason.


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