My fellow Patriots, There is an interesting relationship between those who produce food, whether commercially or to feed their own families, and being socially and politically conservative. Yes, you heard me right, conservatism is not just a product of a blue collar job or hard work, but with an understanding that without food nothing else matters because most people will be dead within forty days of not eating. When a person's entire purpose of living is to gather, grow, or hunt for food to feed themselves and their family, they want no regulations that will prevent them from their purpose, because no food equals death. When the purpose for life is to survive, traditional marriage between a man and a women is a necessity and any deviation means that the bloodline will not survive and that daily labor will be more difficult because there are no offspring to assist with the daily tasks necessary to survive. The principle of freedom from government interference when it comes to food ...
My fellow Patriots, The End Times is a widely debated topic from which people pull all sorts of theories from the Bible but only from a surface look at the Bible with isolated passages instead of full chapters or books that provide context and critical information that could dispel many of the false End Time theories. Many political commentators who discuss the "New World Order" talk about the End Times as they are discussed in the Bible and specifically in the book of Revelation, but they have only a surface understand of the book of Revelation without the context and understanding about the End Times that comes from other books in the Bible such as the Gospel of Matthew. This misinformation, which is probably unintentional, can cause more problems, for those who are listening to these commentators and accepting what they say without question, because they are missing important information that would cause less fear and panic in people. One thing to understand is that DISinf...